Constitution Appendix.

This document was last updated on the 03/15/2024

1. Preamble

  1. This document (‘The Appendix’) provides further guides, rules and regulations for the Queens’ College MCR, and may not contradict the provisions of the Constitution of the M####CR.

2. This document:

a. outlines rules and regulations for candidates in elections. b. describes the duties expected of MCR Committee members. c. outlines rules and regulations for MCR Committee Meetings. d. described the procedure for appointing subcommittees of the MCR. e. may be amended by the Governing Body as set out in the MCR Constitution.

3. ‘The College’, ‘Governing Body’ and ‘College Union’ will be as in the Constitution of the MCR.

  1. Any proposed changes to this document must be approved by a MCR Referendum and the Council of the College Union.

  2. The MCR Committee shall, at a minimum, consist of the following: President; Vice-President; Treasurer;.

  3. The MCR Committee may also include other positions as described in this Appendix.

  4. In addition, there may be MCR subcommittees, as named and defined in the following sections.

  5. MCR Committee Elections

  6. A Ballot shall be held among all Ordinary Members of the MCR each year between 1st May and 31st July to elect the Committee Officers from among their number, to serve during the following year.

  7. The election shall consist of two votes: a Titled Officer vote and an Ordinary vote.

  8. The vote for candidates for Titled Officer positions, as defined in the MCR Appendix, shall be at least 7 days before the vote for Ordinary positions, as defined in the MCR Appendix.

  9. The results of elections must be announced no more than 48 hours after the close of voting.

  10. The President shall act as Returning Officer unless there is sufficient reason for the Committee to appoint another Ordinary Member of the MCR to this position. a. The Returning Officer shall not be a candidate in the election.

  11. Notice of an Election shall be sent by the Committee to each Ordinary Member at least 7 days before the close of the poll.

  12. No Ordinary Member shall stand for more than one Titled Office.

  13. The process for nominations, manifestos, campaigning shall be as defined in the MCR Appendix.

  14. Ballots shall be held online using a secure, anonymous voting application as chosen by the Returning Officer.

  15. The Returning Officer shall, as soon as possible after the close of poll, count the votes in accordance with the following rules: a. Votes shall be counted according to the system of Single Transferable Vote as publicised by the Electoral Reform Society. b. The vote shall be recounted if a recount is requested by a candidate within 24 hours of the announcement of the results or if the result is a tie.

  16. The Returning Officer may reject a ballot paper if there is reason to believe the intentions of the voter have not been made clear. The Returning Officer shall post the results of the Election within 48 hours of the close of the poll.

  17. If there is a tie for a post, the Returning Officer shall have a casting vote.

  18. If a Committee Member Elect ceases to be an Ordinary Member before the commencement of his term of office, then that post will become vacant and a further election must be held under Article 21. If a Committee Member ceases to be an Ordinary Member during his term of office, then that post will become vacant and a further election must be held under Article 21.

  19. If there is a casual vacancy for a post, an election shall be held in accordance with Articles 8 to 19.

  20. MCR Election Nominations

  21. Candidates shall be given at least three days from the first notice of elections to submit nominations.

  22. The deadlines for nominations shall be at least three days before the election.

  23. The Returning Officers shall release the names of MCR members running for election, and the positions they are running no fewer than three days before the election.

  24. The deadline for nominations for a position may be extended up until one day prior to the election if no nominations are received for that position.

  25. The Returning Officers of the election shall outline how candidates shall nominate themselves.

  26. A candidate may withdraw their nomination at any time prior to the election.

3. Manifestos

  1. Candidates in MCR elections may submit a single A4-page manifesto for digital distribution to all MCR members within one day of the close of nominations.

  2. The Returning Officers may refuse to distribute a manifesto if it contains offensive or false material or material attacking the character of an opponent.

4. Campaigning

  1. The Returning Officers shall be responsible for determining and communicating the rules of campaigning to candidates in elections, provided that they adhere to the provisions of the Constitution and the Appendix.

  2. Campaigning shall be permitted, between the close of nominations and the opening of elections.

  3. Campaigning may be in person or through private social media.

  4. MCR mailing lists may not be used for campaigning purposes by candidates, but may be used for the distribution of manifestos by the returning officers.

  5. The Returning Officers may rule any published material out of order if it contains offensive or false material or material attacking the character of an opponent.

  6. Canvassing by visiting the private rooms or houses of MCR members without invitation shall be forbidden.

  7. The MCR Committee may, by quorate vote, set additional guidelines prior to elections in special circumstances.

  8. The Returning Officers may rule certain College locations or MCR-administered social media spaces off-limits to campaigning.

  9. The Returning Officers shall have the right to administer penalties for breach of campaigning rules, or if it deemed that a candidate has acted unlawfully or unfairly, provided the penalty is agreed by both officers, including but not limited to: a. the distribution of a blank manifesto for that candidate. b. a reduced allowed time for speech in election hustings.

  10. Election Hustings

  11. If a hustings is deemed required by the Returning Officers, they shall be responsible for organising the hustings with the aim of allowing MCR members to ask questions of candidates in MCR elections and by-elections in order to inform voting intentions.

  12. Hustings shall be held for each contested position in the MCR election.

  13. Hustings should take place virtually, or in a large, accessible room within the College premises and all MCR members shall be welcome to attend.

  14. During hustings, candidates shall have the opportunity to give a brief speech and shall answer questions from MCR members.

  15. Further guidelines for hosting hustings may be defined by quorate vote of the MCR Committee.

6. MCR Committee Positions

(Executive Roles)

1. President

2. Vice President / Co-Vice President

3. Treasurer

(Non-Executive Roles)

4. Academic Officer

5. Communication Officer

6. Entertainment Officer (three positions)

7. Formal Steward (three positions)

8. Welfare Officer

9. Diversity and Inclusion Officer

10. Woodville Steward

11. Part-Time Representative

12. Accommodation Officer

13. Career Officer

All members of the MCR Committee are expected to: 

  1. attend Ordinary MCR Committee meetings biweekly. 

  2. assist in the organisation and running of activities laid on for incoming first-year MCR members in the first week of Michaelmas. 

  3. complete duties prescribed for their position in this document. 

  4. act as points of contact between members of the MCR and the MCR Committee.

  5. engage with their counterparts on the JCR Committee to work on joint ventures.

  6. complete any other duties as prescribed in Committee Policy.

  1. For the purposes of elections: 

    1. the President, Vice-President and Junior Treasurer shall be considered Executive positions. 

    2. All other committee positions as described in this Appendix shall be considered Ordinary positions.

  2. There shall be a President of the MCR

    1. The President of the MCR shall be responsible for the representation of the concerns and interests of the MCR to the College and the strategic direction of the MCR Committee. a. The President shall chair MCR Committee Meetings b. The President shall attend the following college committee meetings on behalf of the MCR Committee:

      1. Governing Body

      2. Tutorial Committee

      3. Teaching & Learning Committee

      4. Council of the College Union

      5. Graduate Committee c. The President shall represent the MCR Committee as required in external meetings of the Cambridge University Students' Union and similar bodies d. The President shall be responsible for the resolution of disputes between members of the MCR Committee with regard to their roles

  3. There shall be a Vice-President of the MCR

    1. The Vice President of the MCR shall be responsible for day-to-day activities of the MCR Committee and MCR Committee's communication with MCR Members

    2. The Vice-President shall plan the agenda and collate the minutes of MCR Committee Meetings 

    3. The Vice-President shall ensure that actions dictated at MCR Committee Meetings are carried out 

    4. The Vice-President shall fulfill the duties of the President, from time to time, when the President is unable to 

    5. The Vice-President shall attend the following college committee meetings in support of the MCR President

      1. Governing Body

      2. Council of the College Union

      3. Graduate Committee

  4. There shall be a Junior Treasurer of the MCR

    1. The Junior Treasure shall be accountable to the Committee for the disbursement of MCR’s income and expenditure. 

    2. The Junior Treasure shall safeguard the long-term financial interests of the MCR

    3. The Junior Treasure shall liaise with the Senior Treasurer and relevant College committees and officers on financial matters concerning the MCR or the graduate community 

    4. The Junior Treasure shall give a presentation of the year’s finances at the MCR AGM 

    5. The Junior Treasure shall assist the President and Vice-President with the day to day running of the MCR 

    6. The Junior Treasure shall attend meetings of the Council of the Union

    7. The Junior Treasure shall ensure the payment check with event officers(stewards, ents, academic officers) ahead of events

  5. There shall be an Academics Officer of the MCR

    1. The Academics Officer shall be responsible for the academic affairs of MCR Members. 

    2. The Academics Officer shall attend meetings of the Teaching & Learning Committee, the Library Committee and the Graduate Committee 

    3. The Academics Officer shall liaise with the Accommodation Officer to ensure that MCR Members have sufficient study space in the College where appropriate

    4. The Academics Officer shall represent the academic and scholarly

    5. The Academics Officer shall be responsible for organising activities that contribute to the academic enrichment of MCR Members. These activities shall include:

      1. MCR-SCR Talks, in collaboration with the PDRA Convener

      2. Alumni Talks

      3. The Annual College Debate

      4. Additional activities as determined by the Academics Officer and the MCR Committee 

  6. There shall be a Communications Officer of the MCR

    1. The Communications Officer shall be in charge of maintaining and updating the MCR website 

    2. The Communications Officer shall be in charge of the representing the MCR via the MCR social media accounts 

    3. The Communications Officer shall assist the MCR Committee with virtual events and live streaming of events including speaker series hosted by the MCR Committee 

    4. The Communications Officer shall post an abstract of the MCR Committee meeting minutes on the MCR website in line with the MCR constitution

    5. The Communications Officer shall regulate email output along with the executive roles

  7. There shall be Entertainment(s) Officers of the MCR

    1. The Entertainment Officers shall attend meetings of the Queens’ Ents Committee in order to represent the views and interests of the graduate community under the direction of the MCR Committee 

    2. The Entertainment Officers shall co-ordinate the organisation of all bops and monthly wine and cheese for which the MCR is responsible, inter alia securing sufficient human resources for the running of such bops 

    3. The Entertainment Officers shall co-ordinate the organisation of MCR social functions, other than those for which the Steward is responsible, including events with other Colleges. There are usually three Ents Officers.

    4. The Entertainment Officers shall ensure payment check with the Junior Treasure ahead of every events. 

  8. There shall be Formal Steward(s) of the MCR

    1. Formal Stewards are responsible for organizing and managing formal events within colleges, including regular formals, feasts, vocational formals, and formal swaps with other colleges. 

    2. The Formal Steward shall organise MCR feasts and combinations

    3. The Formal Steward shall hold, where necessary, graduate ballots for guest nights and other College dinners. There are usually three formal stewards.

    4. The Formal Steward shall represent Queens MCR in formal swaps with other colleges, ensuring communications with other colleges. In which case, the representative stewards is subsidized for the swap ticket

  9. The Accommodation Officer of the MCR

    1. The Accommodation Officer shall live in college accommodation

    2. The Accommodation Officer shall be elected in the Michaelmas Term elections

    3. The Accommodation Officer shall attend meetings of the Domus Committee weekly

    4. The Accommodation Officer shall be in charge of the liaison among all college off-sites accommodation(Maids Causeway, Gringe Rd, Panton st…)

  10. There shall be a Diversity and Inclusion Officer(DI)

    1. The DI officer shall be responsible for creating an equitable workplace where everyone feels valued and represented. including the LGBTQ+, Women Non-Binary, International students, BAME community, and so on. 

    2. The DI officer shall advocate for marginalized groups and foster inclusion. 

    3. The DI Officer shall liaise with the College and JCR officer on matters of concern to the community described above, both individually and generally.

    4. The DI Officer shall collect and distribute information relevant to Diversity and Inclusion. 

    5. The DI Officer shall provide advice and assistance to BAME members of the MCR upon request. 

    6. The DI officer should at least organise one event during Black History Month, LGBTQ+ Month, and other relevant significant dates.

  11. There shall be a Woodville Room Steward of the MCR

    1. The Woodville steward shall be given the option to reside in BB3.

    2. The Woodville steward shall liaise with relevant College authorities regarding the maintenance of and the provision of services in the Woodville Room.

    3. The Woodville steward shall be responsible for the day to day running of the Woodville Room and its upkeep.

    4. The Woodville steward shall maintain supplies of refreshments, monthly supply of milk, tea, and coffee preferably.

    5. The Woodville steward shall organise the provision of refreshments before and after graduate formal halls on such occasions as the MCR Committee directs.

    6. The Woodville steward shall be responsible for the issue of NUS/CUSU cards.

    7. The Woodville steward shall attend meetings of the Domus Committee when the Accommodation officer is unable to attend. 

    8. The Woodville steward shall allocate and deal with any other matters relating to lockers, in accordance with the policy of the MCR Committee.

  12. There shall be a Welfare Officer of the MCR

    1. The Welfare Officer of the MCR shall liaise with Senior Members of the College regarding matters relevant to the welfare of graduate students, collect and disseminate pertinent information, and advocate for welfare interests within the MCR Committee. 

    2. The Welfare Officer shall attend College Environment and Sustainability Committee meetings and Safety Committee.

    3. The Welfare Officer of the MCR shall advise registered societies of the College with regards to use of facilities, the College Union and publicity. 

    4. The Welfare Officer shall consult for MCR members on the registration of new societies. 

    5. The Welfare Officer shall liaise with the welfare team of the College to organise physical wellbeing events. 

    6. The Welfare Officer shall promote the use of College sporting facilities.

    7. The Welfare Officer shall be responsible for organizing welfare events, subject to MCR Committee approval, and coordinating with the CSU Welfare Officer. 

    8. The Welfare shall liaise with college authorities on environmental efforts, and promote bicycle usage among MCR members, offering support and tutorials for safe usage and maintenance.

  13. There shall be a Part-Time Students Representative Officer of the MCR

    1. The Part-Time Students Representative shall be a part-time student member of the MCR. 

    2. The Part-Time Students Representative shall liaise with Senior Members of the College on matters which are of particular relevance to part-time graduate students. 

    3. The Part-Time Students Representative shall draw to the attention of the MCR Committee the views of part-time graduate students and the implications of its policies for such students. 

  14. There shall be a Career Officer of the MCR

    1. The Career Officer shall collaborate with the Academics Officer regarding hosting events with Alumni 

    2. The Career Officer shall advise MCR members on career-related questions and events. 

7. MCR Committee Meetings

  1. Ordinary MCR Committee Meetings shall be held at least four times per quarter.

  2. There shall be an MCR Policy document that outlines further guidance on MCR Committee Meetings, covering: a. the mechanisms and purposes of voting. b. location and timing of MCR Committee Meetings. c. the agenda of MCR Committee Meetings. d. attendance and apologies of MCR Committee Meetings. e. any other guidelines needed, as seen fit by the MCR Committee.

  3. The time and location of Ordinary MCR Committee Meetings must be circulated at least 5 days in advance of the meeting.

  4. The time and location of Emergency MCR Committee Meetings must be circulated at least 2 days in advance of the meeting.

  5. The minutes of all MCR Meetings must be made available to all members of the MCR to view within one week of the meeting.

8. Policy

  1. There shall exist MCR Committee Policy, henceforth ‘Policy’, to guide actions and decisions of the MCR Committee within a long-term strategy.

  2. All Policy shall be binding on the MCR Committee, provided that it doesn't contradict the provisions of this constitution or involve action that is unlawful or contrary to the provisions of the Education Act 1994.

  3. All Policy shall be accessible to read by all members of the MCR.

  4. Policy may be adopted and amended by quorate vote of the MCR Committee at any MCR Committee Meeting.

  5. The purpose of Policy shall be: a. to outline official positions of the MCR Committee. b. to guide the decision making of the MCR Committee, its Officers, and Representatives c. to rule on the interpretation and implementation of the provisions of the Constitution and the Appendix. d. to formalise guidelines for action of the MCR Committee and the Returning Officers of MCR elections and referenda. e. to provide rules and guidance for all issues not covered by the Constitution or the Appendix, as considered appropriate by the JCR Committee.

  6. MCR Policy shall nominally lapse after 3 years, at which time a review shall be required by the MCR Committee and the Policy may be reinstated for a further 3 years.

  7. Policy shall be contained within clearly titled documents, each containing policy on a particular issue relevant to members of the MCR. The documents shall be accessible to members of the MCR at any time.

  8. No Policy may be adopted that is in conflict with existing Policy.

  9. Ordinary members of the MCR may propose Policy to the MCR Committee in advance of Committee Meetings. Such proposed policy must be provided to the MCR Secretary in a written notices signed by 30 Ordinary Members or 10% of MCR Ordinary Members, whichever is smaller.

  10. The MCR Committee may, from time to time, establish a Working Group to review existing Policy or propose new Policy. Policy proposed by a Working Group is not bound by the requirements of Article 60. a. A Working Group must have a Chair nominated by the MCR Committee b. any Ordinary Member of the MCR may join a Working Group c. meetings of Working Groups must be advertised to the membership of the MCR at least 7 days in advance

  11. Proposed Policy as set out in Articles 67 & 68 will be subject to amendment by the MCR Committee consultation with the proposing members and require a quorate vote of the MCR Committee to be adopted as MCR Policy.

9. Referenda

  1. MCR Referendum may be held to: a. require the resignation of a member of the MCR Committee. b. overturn the MCR Committee’s decision to require the resignation of a MCR Committee member, as defined in Article 35(a) in the MCR Constitution. c. establish the opinion of the MCR membership, with a non-binding motion. d. request changes to the MCR Constitution or the Appendix, that shall then be considered by the MCR Committee and the Council of the College Union.

  2. MCR Referenda must have an associated motion, and voters shall vote on the question “are you in favour of the above motion?” with the option of voting “yes”, “no” or to abstain.

  3. All Ordinary MCR members may vote in an MCR Referendum.

  4. To be valid, an MCR Referendum must have met a quorum of 30 votes; or 10% of the MCR Ordinary membership, whichever is lowest.

  5. The MCR Committee must provide a medium for debate on the motions of referendum that is open to all MCR members.

  6. A MCR Referendum may be triggered by: a. A quorate vote of the MCR Committee b. a petition of at least 10% of the MCR membership, or 30 Ordinary Members, whichever is lowest, delivered to the President or Vice-President of the MCR and containing the exact wording of the motion of the Referendum.

    1. Petitions may contain multiple motions to be proposed for referendum.

    2. Petitions may be signed digitally or by paper means.

  7. A referendum must be held within ten days of being triggered per Article 49 unless the petition is received within the last ten days of full term, in which case the referendum must be held within the first seven days of the next full term.

  8. Referenda shall be by secret ballot, with the vote held electronically.

  9. Two Returning Officers shall administer the referendum, and the MCR Committee shall be responsible for their appointment. One of the Returning Officers shall be a member of the MCR Committee. The other Returning Officer shall be a member of the MCR, but not of the MCR Committee.

  10. Anyone, who for a reason that is acceptable to the Returning Officers, cannot vote in person may apply to the Returning Officers to vote in proxy for them. The preferences must reach the Returning Officers between the closing of nominations and the closing of voting.

  11. The Returning Officers shall conduct the count immediately after voting closes and publish the unabridged results within 24 hours.

  12. Complaints or allegations of electoral fraud must be made to the Returning Officers within 48 hours of the close of voting, and investigated by the Returning Officers, who shall notify and update the Senior Treasurer of the College Union, and the MCR Committee, of the investigation.

  13. If the investigators of Article 55 believe an irregularity has occurred, a new referendum shall take place as agreed between them and the Senior Treasurer of the College Union.

  14. Disagreements between or with the Returning Officers shall be resolved in accordance with the provisions of the ‘Grievances’ section of this constitution.

  15. The Vice-President of the MCR shall be responsible for maintaining a record of all Referenda and their results and shall make this record available to the MCR membership.

  16. MCR Subcommittees

  17. From time to time the MCR Committee may, by quorate vote, establish MCR Subcommittees. MCR Subcommittees roles and responsibilities will be defined in MCR Committee Policy

  18. All MCR Subcommittees shall: a. be chaired by a MCR member occupying a certain position on the MCR Committee. b. conduct their day-to-day activities independently of the MCR. c. report on activities to the MCR Committee. d. shall submit, on request, financial accounts to the MCR Treasurer or the Senior Treasurer of the College Union. e. be governed by distinct documents of MCR Committee Policy.

  19. A MCR Subcommittee may register as a society with the College Union, but must have a nominated treasurer, approved by the MCR Committee, if it is to claim funding directly.